Safe Landing!

Interport specialists in handling complicated moves, organized the movement of a EuroCopter ECUREUIL AS 350 B3 helicopter from CAHOKILA, IL to Puerto San Antonio,Chile


The unit had to be wrapped tightly for the long ocean voyage.  INTERPORT PROJECT TEAM spent many hours coordinating the safest and most cost effective route for this helicopter.



Interport Distribution Team Unveils Trigon Turf AIRSPIKE


Trigon Turf is a leader in turfgrass management in the golf course and sports turf markets.  With operations throughout Florida, the Caribbean and as of 2014, extending their reach into Latin America. They have developed the AIR SPIKE, a simple yet effective tool for compaction.  The tool is pressed into the soil structure and injects compressed air.  The air fractures the soil and creates pathways for trapped gases to escape and water to percolate through.  Most importantly, it creates room for the roots of the grass plant to grow!  Now turfgrass managers have a simple way to address localized compaction.  Best of all, it works great on home lawns too!


Interport is proud to serve as the warehousing and distribution for Trigon Turf and its products. 

Interport Group of Companies is dedicated to providing the best service to all our customers, working in concert to maximize their profits, reduce time, and minimize their costs. 

    Contact us at:                                           Or Visit us at:

         305-477-1910                                       12950 NW 25th Street Miami FL 33182