GPS Triton – Maiden Voyage

Reason: Location update

Valid: 20/07/2015 14:47:41
Speed: 11 mph
Mileage: 1 miles
Location: (-79.5424,25.2726)
Altitude: 20 ft
Installed: Yes
Door: Closed
Temperature: 31c
Light: 0

Leaving Florida

Middle of Route

Reason: Location update (Strong Impact)

Valid: 21/07/2015 7:47:41
Speed: 8 mph
Mileage: 3 miles
Location: (-76.8303,17.9842)
Altitude: 18 ft
Installed: Yes
Door: Closed
Temperature: 34c
Light: 0

Reason: Location update

Valid: 22/07/2015 4:47:41
Speed: 13 mph
Mileage: 4 miles
Location: Port of Spain Port Area, Sackville Street (-61.5245,10.6463)
Altitude: 21 ft
Installed: Yes
Door: Opened
Temperature: 39c
Light: 140


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Miami, Fl 33182